Essential Oil Bottle Survey

Currently, there is no dedicated program to ‘return’ one’s used essential oil bottles (like the Beer Store for example). I know from conversations with you - that simply tossing a used essential oil bottle into the recycling bin does not feel good; many of us hold on to our used bottles with a hope that we will find a way to reuse them at some point. (by essential oil bottle I am referring to any amber, cobalt or green glass bottle).


I want to change this single-use scenario so that an essential oil bottle is first reused and only recycled as a second option. The goal is to divert glass essential oil bottles from the recycling system with a process that collects, cleans and makes them available to the marketplace for re-purchase.

But I need your help. Finding data on how many bottles (essential oil bottles only) are sold in a given year is hard. By completing this survey, you will be helping me move this Social Enterprise idea to the next stage.

I created a very short survey, it should take less than 3 minutes to complete (there are only 6 questions). It has questions about how many bottles you have recently recycled and/or thrown out and how many you currently have on-hand.

I have had this dream for a while now. You will be doing me and potentially the environment a great favour by completing this survey

Click to take the survey.

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